Cannabis and Driving

Cannabis and Driving Resources (Erowid)

"Alison Myrden pointed this page out to me. Good stuff here
for dealing with prohibitionist scaremongers."
Tim Meehan of OCSARC

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Cannabis & Driving -- by Erowid

While it is widely accepted that cannabis use can slow motor skills and
reduce task-attention, increasing in severity with dose, research has shown that
cannabis use is less likely to dangerously impair driving abilities than
alcohol at similar levels of intoxication. Cannabis intoxication often makes
smokers more aware of their impairment, causing them to slow down and become more cautious while also worsening reaction time and attention. Cannabis users
often report that driving speeds are experientially 'faster' than normal: driving a given speed feels faster and more dangerous than the same speed does while sober.There have been a number of studies which have looked at this issue and
most have found that cannabis smoking does degrade driving performance. There
is a little contradictory evidence about whether cannabis in combination with
alcohol causes worse impairment than alcohol alone, but so far the data heavily
favors the view that the combination substantially increases risks over either alone.
The research so far does not provide a clear answer to how much risk of
accidents increase with moderate levels of cannabis intoxication, but only
confirms that the risks of cannabis-alone impairment are lower than those
of alcohol-alone impairment. The following are a collection of summaries &
papers which look at the issue of cannabis & driving performance.Misc ReportsExecutive Summary of Driving Impairment Effects of Alcohol & Cannabis
(1994) --

The influence of cannabis on driving, TRL, Britain
(PDF - 1.5MB) --

UK Lords Report On Cannabis & Driving --

News & MediaAlcohol impairs driving more than marijuana -
New Scientist March 2002 --

"A single glass of wine will impair your driving more than smoking a
joint. And under certain test conditions, the complex way alcohol and cannabis
combine to affect driving behaviour suggests that someone who has taken both may
drive less recklessly than a person who is simply drunk." New Scientist March 2002
Journal ReferencesTesting Reckless Drivers for Cocaine and Marijuana --

InformationMarijuana Myth: "Marijuana Is A Major Cause Of Highway Accidents" --

US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Reports
"Drivers under the influence of marijuana retain insight in their performance and will compensate where they can, for example, by slowing down or increasing effort. As a consequence, THC's adverse effects on driving performance appear relatively small."
Robbe, NHTSA 1993Marijuana And Actual Driving Performance - by Robbe, NHTSA, 1993 --

Marijuana Use And Driving, by Robbe 1994 --

Marijuana And Actual Driving Performance - by Robbe, NHTSA, 1999 --

Marijuana & Alcohol Combined Increase Impairment - NHTSA 1999 --

OFF-SITE CANNABIS & DRIVING RESOURCESPRIMARY RESOURCESCannabis Campaigner's Guide to Cannabis & Driving --

Schaffer Library References on Drugs and Driving --

Cannabis And Road Safety: An Outline Of The Research Studies To Examine
The Effects Of Cannabis On Driving Skills And On Actual Driving Performance --

LawDUI Law & Cannabis --

"Professor Hall considers cannabis's contribution to danger on the roads
to be very small; in his view the major effect of cannabis use on driving may be
in amplifying the impairments caused by alcohol."
UK Lord's Report, 1998

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